My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

~Weekend Recap~

As we are nearing the end of being in our house, (we close on June 8th), we are really trying to savor each and every moment that we have left! It's hard to believe that in less than a month, we will technically be homeless (well...we will be taking up residence with my parents until we can find something we like...we haven't found anything yet).

The weekends are really a time when we just enjoy being together, even if that means running errands and doing some of the not-so-fun stuff. Warren had his truck in the shop (he is finally have a professional fix it so that he can have heat and air...hallelujah!!), so we only had one vehicle this weekend, which meant family carpool! Bowdre came to work with me for a few hours in the late afternoon, and Warren met me at my office to head home to Savannah. Of course, grocery shopping was on the agenda, but thankfully, Warren and I went in with a plan, and it didn't take very long, since we really needed to get Bowdre fed, bathed and in the bed. While Warren unloaded a thousand things from the car, I fed Bowdre. She thought it was play time instead of eat time...well, she thought it was play while I eat time!
Check out my hair mom!
After Bowdre went to bed, Warren and I ate some leftovers and watched a movie from Redbox! I love nights like these! Saturday morning was all about errands! Warren got up with Bowdre and let me sleep in a bit (THANK YOU!), and once we all had our breakfast, we headed into town. I had several errands, and Warren had several, so we just decided to conquer all of them in a few hours. We picked up my pearls from the jewelers (that Bowdre broke..grrrr), got my car detailed, picked up a couple of outfits for Bowdre, went to Home Depot, stopped in at the marina to sign our paperwork for our boat storage, and picked up some shrimp to cook later. WOW, what a busy morning. Hard to believe we did this in under 3 hours. Thankfully, Bowdre seemed to be having a good time out and about! Warren worked on his boat trailer Saturday afternoon, and Bowdre took a 2 hour nap on me, which of course I never mind, but I was also able to catch up on some of my shows. (Life's been crazy, so I'm way behind).

Saturday night was family grill time! We grilled shrimp kabobs, pork tenderloin, and corn-on-the-cob. It was delicious. It's so crazy how often I've taken a nice meal at home for granted. I don't get to have them often anymore, but when I do, I really enjoy them! I love having my family all sitting around the table's one of my favorite things! Once the baby was down for the night, I'm pretty sure Warren and I started watching a movie that we had recorded, but I believe we both passed out before it ever really got started. We seriously do this so often!

Sunday morning, Bowdre slept in until 9AM...yes, 9AM, which meant that Mommy and Daddy also slept in until 9AM, and boy was that nice! However, this meant we only had 45 minutes before we had to leave for church. So we rushed to have breakfast and get everybody ready, but somehow we made it! On our way to church, we dropped Elle' off for her grooming appointment so she could get fresh and clean!

After Church, we decided to go to Johnny Harris for lunch. We had to wait on the grooming salon to finish up with Elle', so it was a perfect choice, since they are located right by each other. It was a wonderful wonderful meal. Warren got a BBQ glazed salmon with sweet potato casserole and sauteed spinach, and I got stuffed flounder with steamed broccoli and red rice. Both of our meals were delicious, but we love the environment's like going back in time! It's amazing that this restaurant has been opened since! It's so fun to see all of the famous people's signatures on the menus that are hanging on the wall too. Willie Nelson, David Greene, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, UGA, etc. The list goes on and on! Bowdre had a great time too!

After Church always comes a nap! Usually a father/daughter nap while Mom does laundry, and it's the sweetest thing in the world to see! I sure love these two more than words!
Be still my heart!
We decided that a nice late afternoon boat ride would be a perfect way to wrap up the weekend. Now that we have our boat stored at the marina, all we have to do is call and they put it in the water for's so nice!! So we all headed to the marina for a afternoon stroll. We decided to head downtown and get some ice cream from Savannah Candy Kitchen...great choice! Afterwards, we just rode around slowly looking for dolphins and taking in the gorgeous surroundings. I'm not sure who loves boat rides more...Elle' or Bowdre!
Best friends!

After our boat ride, we headed back home, made shrimp fajitas, packed for the upcoming week, and we all PASSED out!

Weekends are so special. It doesn't matter how busy we are or what we have to do, as long as I am with my family, it is the perfect weekend! I spend every Monday morning anticipating the weekend ahead!

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