My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

~Father's Day 2015/The Big Move~

This past weekend was Father's Day and was also moving weekend for us. We closed on the house back on June 8th, but we worked out a deal with the buyers that enabled us to be in the house until the 22nd, which meant that Father's Day weekend was packed with moving boxes and little time to spare. It was definitely an emotional time as well. Warren and I love our house, neighbors, neighborhood, Church, community, and friends in Wilmington Island, so we definitely feel like we are leaving behind a part of us. It's our first home that we bought together, the home where we brought our sweet baby home from the hospital, and the home where so many memories were made. I'm so glad that God put Wilmington Island in our life, but I'm also excited for what lies ahead for my family. Here is a picture from the day we bought the house back in July 2013.

We wanted to try and make the weekend as special as possible, while also getting alot done. Let me tell you...with an almost 11 month old, that is tough. On Saturday, packing boxes was in full force. My uncle has a large enclosed horse trailor that he let us use for moving, and the past weekend we had already taken 2 loads to our storage units in Statesboro and a couple of car loads to my parent's house in we felt totally prepared for the weekend ahead. Boy were we wrong and boy did we underestimate the amount of stuff we had...and for the most part it's WEDDING PRESENTS! When am I ever going to use 30 serving platters? Wow. My parent's had a wedding this weekend and couldn't watch Bowdre on Saturday, so Warren's sweet Aunt Joan came to save the day and watch Bowdre for us while we packed. Thank goodness! She kept Bowdre occupied for the day, and Warren and I were able to get a lot accomplished. So thankful for her!

Aunt Joan headed back to Jacksonville about 6:30, and Warren and I had dinner reservations at Little Italy, a new Italian restaurant on the island that we definitely wanted to try before we left! Here is our last dinner picture on the island.

By the way...the food was delicious! After coming back home, and putting Bowdre to bed, Warren and I crashed. Father's Day arrived! I felt really bad for Warren having to share his 1st Father's Day with moving...but he didn't mind! He was so sweet about it, and trust was a VERY stressful day. Even with all that we had left to do, we still wanted to go to Church, especially since it was our last Sunday at Bible Baptist, where we have called our Church home for the past 2 years. I'm so glad we was truly a blessing to hear Dr. Hubbard speak that morning.We also heard the Imani Milele Uganda Choir sing, and they were wonderful. Imani Milele is a non-profit organization based in Florida that helps to rescue, educate, and teach the Word of God to orphaned children in Africa. It is a wonderful program. The choir, made up of about 20 or so children ranging from age 8 to 18, are here in the United States until December touring and singing in different states. To see how you can help this organization, click on the following: Imani Milele. It really is a wonderful cause! After Church, of course we had to get a family Father's Day picture!

After a quick trip to Sam's and lunch at Zaxby's, we headed back home to finish packing and loading the trailor. Thankfully, my parents were coming to help us. Mainly for my dad to help Warren with the big pieces of furniture, and my mom to watch Bowdre. Once they got there, moving was in full force, but everything was taking longer than expected. We honestly had more furniture than we thought...more boxes that we thought...and so on and so forth. The day was very quickly going by, and we were running out of time. Once we got all the big furniture loaded, I told my parents to go ahead and take Bowdre to Millen with them so that we could finish things up.Our neighbors, Don and Debra Tomberlin, came over to say goodbye around 6:00, right as my parents were leaving, and they saw the panic that we were in. They said they were going to change clothes and would be back to help us. I am so thankful for them! They stayed and helped us pack boxes, load the trailor, load the vehicles, sweep, and so many other things. Around midnight, the last boxes were loaded and it was time to say goodbye and Don and Debra were still there. What amazing friends and neighbors! I am so thankful for everyone who helped us this weekend, and also has been praying for us these past few months. It hasn't always been easy living in 2 places, but God has provided. We know that we made the best decision for our family, and Warren's work is really doing great! I'm so excited to see what's next for us! Until we can find a house and decide exactly where we want to be...we will be taking up residence at Quinney Oaks Plantation! So blessed to have wonderful parents who don't mind us living with them, who keep our baby full time, and who is always there when we need them!

Goodbye Wilmington Island!

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