My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Thursday, June 25, 2015

~Dear Bowdre-11 Months Old~

Dear Bowdre,

I can't believe that you are almost a year old...where has the time gone? You are such a joy in our lives, and definitely keep us entertained everyday! It really is and has been so much fun watching you grow and learn to do things. You have changed so much!

At 11 months, you have 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), are crawling all over the place (and quite quickly I might add), are pulling up on anything, and are a busy little bee. You love people, being help, and you love spending time outside...that is where you prefer to be! Every person that you see gets a wave and a kiss blown to love doing that, and you think it is funny.

You babble all the time, and I can tell you are going to have lots to say. Here are your words so far:
Ehhhhhhhh (which I'm pretty sure is Elle', at least you do that everytime you see her or want her to come to you)

You are really starting to pay attention to words too and can locate quite a few things like noses and fans, and a few other things too!

This past month has been a crazy one with the move, but you have been so great these past 6 months living in 2 places. Most babies would be fussy and moody, but you are so pleasant. As long as you can crawl, pull up, eat and are happy! You are really walking with your walker now and can push it all over the room!

We took our first girls weekend to the beach, and you had a blast playing in the sand...oh yeah, and eating it too!
We got to celebrate Daddy's first Father's Day!
And Pop's first Pop Day!
Here are some things you love...


Being outside...
Riding in the boat...

Going grocery shopping (because you get to wave and blow kisses to a thousand people)...
Going to restaurants...
Your daddy...
And taking baths...

Everything with you is just so much fun! You bring so much happiness, laughter and love to our family, and we love you oh so much! Here are a couple more of my favorites from this past month!

We love you sweet baby girl!

Mommy and Daddy

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