My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, June 26, 2015

~My Weightloss Journey-Results #7~

The last time I updated you, I had just finished another 14 day maintenance phase in which I gained .4oz. Total weight loss at that point since February 1st was 24 pounds!

After that phase, I decided to do another 24 day challenge, which includes a 10 day cleanse phase and another 14 day max phase! The program recommends a cleanse every 3 months, so it was time for one. During these 24 days, which I actually had to extend a bit due to moving and some other things that came total weight loss was another 6.6 pounds, bringing my total weight loss since February 1st to 30.6 pounds!

Although I am very pleased with another 6+ pounds and definitely liking that 30 number...I still feel that over the past month I could have done better. I started the challenge off with a bang, losing almost 10 pounds within the 10 day cleanse phase...but then went to the beach, got stressed with my classes and moving, and just didn't follow the program as closely as I should have, so I put 4 back on, but again, overall pleased.

I love Advocare and am very pleased with the results and the program in general, but it is also a bit challenging to keep up with everything. Here is an example of one day...
30 mins before breakfast-take MNS Color Packet/Catalyst/ThermoPlus/Crave Check (8 pills)
Drink Breakfast Shake
Morning Snack
30 mins before lunch-take MNS Color Pack/Catalyst/ThermoPlus (6 pills)
Eat Lunch
Afternoon Snack
Take Second Crave Check (1 pill)
Drink Spark Drink at some point during the day
Eat Dinner
Take OmegaPlex (2 pills)

So you can see how complicated this can get, and is almost 20 pills a day. Although these pills are great and are all herbal and make me feel wonderful, it's hard to keep up with, especially with my crazy schedule lately.

Long story short, I looked into some other programs that would/could possibly require a little more flexibility, and I found Le-Vel's Thrive. I know several people on this program, and they ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
You seriously wake up, take 2 capsules on an empty stomach with water, 20 mins later drink a shake (every other day), slap on the Thrive patch, and go! That's it for a day! This was definitely a perk for me. Also ordering all of pills and shakes from Advocare can get quite expensive, and Thrive is quite a bit another perk!

If I don't like Thrive, I'll definitely be going back to Advocare...I just thought it might be good for a change!

Advocare has definitely taught me a lot, which I think is why I feel so strongly about defending it, even though I am taking a break from it right now.
1. I do believe it is definitely important to cleanse your body in some way every 3 months.
2. It taught me the importance of drinking mostly water. Before I started the program, I NEVER drank water. Now I drink over 9 bottles of water every day!
3. It taught me the importance in calorie counting. Before Advocare, I couldn't even begin to tell you how many calories I ate during a given, I know exactly how many calories I eat and how many I need to eat.
4. It taught me the importance of healthy foods and really watching the unhealthy ones. Before Advocare, when I would cook, I would rarely have vegetables for dinner, and would usually end up cooking 2 starches. Now, we rarely have starches for dinner EVER, and for the most part only have vegetables. For example, last night we had baked ribs, boiled okra, and green beans for dinner. Before it would have been baked ribs, potatoes, and probably rice. If we do have a starch for dinner, it is usually a healthier for example, boiled/grilled corn, or roasted potatoes...not baked ones.
5. It taught me the importance of the RIGHT foods and which ones to cut out or minimize. Before Advocare, I would load up my salads with cheese, and fatty dressings. Now, I usually skip the cheese and go with the lighter version of dressing.
6. It taught me the importance of eating little things throughout the day. Before Advocare, I think I would try and minimize what I ate thinking it would help me lose weight. But what I learned is that eating small things throughout the day actually helps with the weight loss process. So now, I have those 2 really important in the morning and one during the afternoon.
7. It taught me the importance of the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time make great healthy eating choices, and 20% of the time you can splurge (within reason). I always try to live by this rule. I have learned that I shouldn't splurge on a Friday night just because, but my last night on Wilmington Island at a wonderful Italian's okay to splurge! (And Warren and I definitely did...but it was totally worth it!)
8. I learned never to deprive myself. If I want a piece of cake, I can have it. BUT, not all the time, and not a gigantic piece! Life is too short to deprive yourself!

I'll keep you posted with my new program and how it is working out for me. I still have a long way to go in my weight loss journey, but seeing the progress I have made so far is definitely exciting!

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