My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, December 4, 2015

~UGA vs. TECH 2015~

For the UGA vs. TECH game this year, Warren and I decided to make a weekend getaway out of it. My parents agreed to watch Bowdre for the weekend, and Warren and I took off to enjoy a weekend in the city...and some much needed time alone as well!

We left Friday around lunch, and made a few stops along the way to catch some of the Black Friday deals. Once we got to Atlanta, we checked into our hotel (we were staying in midtown), so everything was pretty much in walking distance. We found ourselves eating dinner at Taco Mac, and we actually ran into one of Warren's friends from high school and his girlfriend who joined us for dinner. After dinner, Warren and I headed to this German brewery for a few drinks. I had this amazing berry prosecco drink...delicious!
Saturday was game day! We got up early, and tailgated a little bit and headed to The Varsity for lunch before the 12pm game!
The game was a good one! It actually got hot once or twice!
Of course Warren was bummed that Tech lost, and me...I was just ready to have a good time! We got back to the room and took a nap, and tried to figure out a game plan. We decided we would have a couple of drinks and some appetizers in the hotel before heading out somewhere for dinner. While we were in the hotel bar, we met some amazing people who were staying there for the game as well. We ended up hanging out with them downstairs all night! We had a blast, and they were such a fun crew!

To say we had a great time is an understatement! It was nice to have some time spent alone, some time having fun, but it was also nice to head home!

After lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite), and a little bit of Christmas shopping, we headed home to our sweet baby girl that we missed so much!

Until next time Atlanta!

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