My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, December 4, 2015

~Bowdre is 16 Months-November 23, 2015~

Bowdre Victoria Clements
16 Months Old
November 23, 2015

It's so hard to believe that 16 months, the best months, have just flown by right before our eyes. All of a sudden, you went from a baby to a little girl. You are so grown and independent, and those sweet little baby things have vanished, and the fun smart toddler things have begun. Each day your vocabulary expands, and you learn something new. It only takes you once to pick up on something, so we have to watch our own selves pretty closely, because to say you are a sponge is an understatement.  Here are some fun facts about you!

Favorite Words: Mama, Pop, Dada, Mine, Elle', Uh-Oh, Dog, Ball, and lots that we can't quite understand. 
Weight: 28 pounds---you love to eat!
Favorite Food: This is a hard one because you like most everything, but the favorites are definitely fruit, mainly grapes and bananas; toast, eggs, and cheese quesadillas.  
Favorite Toy: Legos...Gammie and Pop just bought you your first set of legos and you love playing with them and putting them together.
Favorite Book: Humbug Rabbit. (It was your dad's when he was little). 
Favorite Person: I think Pop and I are tied for first.
Teeth: You have 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We love you so much sweet girl!

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