My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Friday, December 4, 2015

~UGA vs. TECH 2015~

For the UGA vs. TECH game this year, Warren and I decided to make a weekend getaway out of it. My parents agreed to watch Bowdre for the weekend, and Warren and I took off to enjoy a weekend in the city...and some much needed time alone as well!

We left Friday around lunch, and made a few stops along the way to catch some of the Black Friday deals. Once we got to Atlanta, we checked into our hotel (we were staying in midtown), so everything was pretty much in walking distance. We found ourselves eating dinner at Taco Mac, and we actually ran into one of Warren's friends from high school and his girlfriend who joined us for dinner. After dinner, Warren and I headed to this German brewery for a few drinks. I had this amazing berry prosecco drink...delicious!
Saturday was game day! We got up early, and tailgated a little bit and headed to The Varsity for lunch before the 12pm game!
The game was a good one! It actually got hot once or twice!
Of course Warren was bummed that Tech lost, and me...I was just ready to have a good time! We got back to the room and took a nap, and tried to figure out a game plan. We decided we would have a couple of drinks and some appetizers in the hotel before heading out somewhere for dinner. While we were in the hotel bar, we met some amazing people who were staying there for the game as well. We ended up hanging out with them downstairs all night! We had a blast, and they were such a fun crew!

To say we had a great time is an understatement! It was nice to have some time spent alone, some time having fun, but it was also nice to head home!

After lunch at the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite), and a little bit of Christmas shopping, we headed home to our sweet baby girl that we missed so much!

Until next time Atlanta!

~Thanksgiving 2015~

For Thanksgiving this year, my family decided to break tradition and do things a little differently. Probably the main reason is that my Nana isn't with us this year, so none of us wanted to sit around the house thinking about that all day. Another reason is that my parents have a full house right now and always seem to be cooking or cleaning, and when they aren't doing it for us, they are doing it for their business. For those reasons, we decided to go to the Pinnacle Club in Augusta. If you are wondering what the PC is, it is a membership only club, where they have mostly fine dining, but also other things as well. Growing up, we used to go there for really special occasions, and it was always one of my favorite things to do. I loved getting all dressed up and having dinner overlooking Augusta (it's on the 17th floor of a building in downtown Augusta). Since they were having a Thanksgiving lunch buffet, we decided to go there.

I can't even begin to describe how much awesome food they had. Turkey, dressing, mac-n-cheese, steamed broccoli, fresh green beans, sweet potato souffle, prime rib, mashed potatoes, and swordfish with a lobster cream sauce. This is just the beginning! They also had numerous salads and some of the best she crab soup. Of course there was an amazing dessert spread as well!

I'm so glad we decided to spend Thanksgiving there this year...and hopefully, we will make this part of our new tradition, as everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves...even Miss Bowdre!

After lunch, of course we had to snap some family pictures!

After parting, we were all stuffed...and one little girl was tired!
I'm so blessed with so many things that God has given me. A strong faith, a loving husband, a beautiful smart and healthy baby girl, a wonderful supportive family, awesome friends, a great job, a place to live, and our health. These are just to name a few. Even though we missed Nana tremendously today and every day, I am so thankful for the years I got to spend with her!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Clements' and the Rocker's! We hope your day is filled with love, joy, family, peace, and lots of yummy food!

~Fish Kisses~

I am so blessed that each and every day I get to wake up to the words "MaMa" and these sweet fish kisses! My heart is so full!

~Bowdre is 16 Months-November 23, 2015~

Bowdre Victoria Clements
16 Months Old
November 23, 2015

It's so hard to believe that 16 months, the best months, have just flown by right before our eyes. All of a sudden, you went from a baby to a little girl. You are so grown and independent, and those sweet little baby things have vanished, and the fun smart toddler things have begun. Each day your vocabulary expands, and you learn something new. It only takes you once to pick up on something, so we have to watch our own selves pretty closely, because to say you are a sponge is an understatement.  Here are some fun facts about you!

Favorite Words: Mama, Pop, Dada, Mine, Elle', Uh-Oh, Dog, Ball, and lots that we can't quite understand. 
Weight: 28 pounds---you love to eat!
Favorite Food: This is a hard one because you like most everything, but the favorites are definitely fruit, mainly grapes and bananas; toast, eggs, and cheese quesadillas.  
Favorite Toy: Legos...Gammie and Pop just bought you your first set of legos and you love playing with them and putting them together.
Favorite Book: Humbug Rabbit. (It was your dad's when he was little). 
Favorite Person: I think Pop and I are tied for first.
Teeth: You have 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We love you so much sweet girl!

~UGA vs. GSU 2015~

I decided to tag along with our friends Cassie and Brandon, who are super duper GSU fans and tailgating pros, to the GSU vs. UGA in Athens a few weekends ago. Warren decided to sit this one out due to working on the house and trying to get that finished up, and mom and dad kept Bowdre for us. I was super excited to go back to Athens, especially since I have so many wonderful memories there with my parents going to UGA games. However, since I was with Super Fan #1 and #2, I decided I would root for my alma mater and employer, GSU. We left the DeFeo residence and headed to pick up Cassie's sister and brother-in-law, Tiffany and Doug, in Milledgeville before hitting the road to Athens.
Athens, as usual, was bustling with fans of all kinds. It was pretty much a nightmare trying to figure out somewhere to park and tailgate and didn't leave us 1000 miles from the stadium. Not sure if any of you are familiar with Athens, but it's quite hilly and no fun to walk around in. We finally found a fraternity house that was accepting parking. It also had a pretty nice bathroom as well as unlimited ice. We hit the jack pot of tailgating spots! It worked out great.
After we hung out for a while, had some great tailgate food, it was time to head to the game. I sold my dad's seats (which I might add are AWESOME SEATS), and sat with Cassie and Brandon way way way up high. It was okay though, because it's all about the experience right?!? It was a blast...although at times, I definitely felt like we might all fall to the ground. At the end of the day, it was an awesome game, a somewhat fun and scary view, and a great time with my dear friends!
Georgia Southern..Eagles..Fight Fight Fight!!