My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

~Greek Street Trick or Treat 2015~

My title of Greek Street Trick or Treat 2015 should really include...or lack thereof. If you look back at a few posts ago, I talked about how Bowdre went through this spell of teething where she was a nightmare. Well, this period was right in the middle of that. Plus, add on that we had been super busy too, with Homecoming, then came the fair (where we were out WAY past her bedtime), and Greek Street Trick or Treat was the very next night. For those of you who aren't familiar with this event, Greek Row (really the fraternitites and soriorities on campus) put on different things at each of the houses. You can walk down the row and basically and go trick or treating. Each house usually offers something different. Some have bouncy houses, snow cone machines, or popcorn, and all of them have candy. This event is really for the community to come out with their kids (who are dressed up) and have a night of good fun! Well, since this was our first year back in Statesboro with a kid, and I am also Greek and my soriorty house is also on the row, I wanted to take Bowdre.

I had her the cutest costume, a butterfly! I searched and searched until I found the perfect one! It had a head piece, wings, and cute little shoes. Yeah, she HATED it! So that being said, we pertty much went down the row as quickly as possible, but I was bound and determined to at least walk down and back. Oh well, maybe next year! Below are the only 2 pictures I got that night...and by looking at them, you will see why!


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