My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, November 23, 2015

~Two Peas in a Pod~

~Happy 26 Birthday Mark~

Happy Birthday to the best brother and uncle around! We all love you so!

~The Sunny Side of Life~

How funny is this video? I'm so blessed that I get to call this dancing queen mine each and every single day. Love her so and her funny personality and crazy dance moves!

~Warren's 10 Year High School Reunion~

Warren had his 10 year high school reunion this past weekend at the Social Club in Savannah! We had a great time, and it was nice for me to meet some of the people he grew up with! It was a fun crowd, a fun environment, and a fun date night! We had a blast!

~Princess and Her Pooch~

~Happy 29th Birthday Warren~

Happy Birthday to my amazing husband who I love more every single day! You are our rock, and we appreciate all you do for our little family! Bowdre, Elle' and I love you so! Have a wonderful day and year celebrating the last of your 20's. Even though 30 is approaching (which is a bit hard to believe), I look forward to each day and year with you!

~15 Month Check-Up~

~Halloween 2015/Old Freeman Family Farm~

For Halloween this year, we kept it low-key. The afternoon and evening, we headed to some friends house to have a small get-together with the kids. No costumes, no trick-or-treating...just hanging out with great company!

That morning, Warren, Bowdre and I, headed to Old Freeman Family Farm! It was a blast. We rode in a wagon, went through a corn maze, and checked out the animals.

Next year, when we are in our house, we will go ALL OUT with decorations, trick-or-treating, costumes and more! Happy Halloween everyone!

~Bowdre is 15 Months Old-October 23, 2015~

This past month has been so much fun. Bowdre has developed so much and learns new things every day. It amazes us how smart she is. She is saying lots of words, loves to dance, and enjoys school so much. She loves her teachers and her friends.

~Leigh Anne and Robby are Having a.....~

~Bowdre's 1st Ga Tech Game~

We decided to take Bowdre to her first Ga Tech game this year. It was a late 7 p.m. game in Atlanta but we decided to take the chance. We got there early and parked at our usual spot where we tailgated for a bit before lunch.

After lunch, we headed to check out the Ga Tech bookstore, where of course we had to get a bear. After the bookstore, we walked back to our spot to get ready to head to the game. Somebody was a little tired.
The game was an awesome one! Bowdre didnt' sleep a wink, despite how late it was. Unfortunately, I dropped my phone in the toilet a few days ago, and it didn't make it out alive, so these are the only photos I have from the game, since the ones on my phone weren't able to be recovered. Overall, it was a great day, and I can tell Bowdre is going to be a huge Tech fan...just like her dad!

Go Jackets!

~A beautiful sunny fall Savannah day~

A couple of weeks ago (probably more like 3 or 4 now), Bowdre and I decided to head to Savannah for a day of fun! My mom and brother were down there, so we all met for lunch at Cotton Exchange, one of our favorites. After lunch, we walked on River Street. Bowdre was FASCINATED by the birds, and got in some uncle-neice time in the process.

After lunch and picking out the tile for our house, Bowdre and I decided to make a stop at Two Smart Cookies! Delicious! I cherish these days with Bowdre and my family so much!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

~Greek Street Trick or Treat 2015~

My title of Greek Street Trick or Treat 2015 should really include...or lack thereof. If you look back at a few posts ago, I talked about how Bowdre went through this spell of teething where she was a nightmare. Well, this period was right in the middle of that. Plus, add on that we had been super busy too, with Homecoming, then came the fair (where we were out WAY past her bedtime), and Greek Street Trick or Treat was the very next night. For those of you who aren't familiar with this event, Greek Row (really the fraternitites and soriorities on campus) put on different things at each of the houses. You can walk down the row and basically and go trick or treating. Each house usually offers something different. Some have bouncy houses, snow cone machines, or popcorn, and all of them have candy. This event is really for the community to come out with their kids (who are dressed up) and have a night of good fun! Well, since this was our first year back in Statesboro with a kid, and I am also Greek and my soriorty house is also on the row, I wanted to take Bowdre.

I had her the cutest costume, a butterfly! I searched and searched until I found the perfect one! It had a head piece, wings, and cute little shoes. Yeah, she HATED it! So that being said, we pertty much went down the row as quickly as possible, but I was bound and determined to at least walk down and back. Oh well, maybe next year! Below are the only 2 pictures I got that night...and by looking at them, you will see why!


~Kiwanis Fair 2015~

I know that taking a 1-year old to the fair was a bit of a risk, but I thought Bowdre would enjoy it, even if she wasn't quite big enough to ride anything! We started the day going to the parade in downtown Statesboro. It just happened to be really cold that day, and Bowdre was all over the place, so here is the best picture I could get.
Warren met us to go to the fair, along with our good friends Sarah and Anthony Rainey and their sweet little girl Nina! We had a blast eating at the Pancake House and then walking around looking at all of the lights, people, rides, and petting zoo! Overall, it was a great experience, and I think Bowdre enjoyed it!
Sarah, Anthony and Nina

I can't wait until next year when Bowdre will be able to ride some rides!

~Fun Golf Cart Rides~

~GSU Homecoming 2015~

It's so hard to believe that it is Homecoming time once again. This year, it seems even more fun because I see students more often and catch a better glimpse of the school spirit they have. Also, I have a few football players in my class, which is neat too!

This year, we decided to take Bowdre to the Homecoming Parade, which ends on campus at Sweetheart Circle. Warren even got off early to come! Bowdre loves loud things, especially music, so I thought a parade would be a major was! She loved it, especially the marching band.

For the game on Saturday, we were at our usual tailgate spot, and had a blast! Good times with friends, great beautiful weather, and yummy tailgate food!

And look who stopped by!

Can't wait until next year! Go Eagles! Fight Fight Fight!!