My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

~First Semester Recap~

Somehow, I made it through my first semester teaching. There were great moments and moments of temporary insanity...but I made it through it all, and I...loved...every...minute! It's an amazing feeling when you truly find what you are meant to do in life, and I'm so blessed that I have (well, with several bumps and jobs along the way) finally found my true calling. So instead of going through a long-winded post...I thought it would be fun to do a "lesson learned" list. So here they lessons learned after completing my first semester as a college professor.

Lessons Learned
1.  Students find very creative ways to check their phones.
2. Stay strict in your policies...students will take advantage if you don't.
3. Always bring your own board markers to class...the ones in the rooms are crappy.
4. Students truly don't understand how late 8AM really is...try getting up at 6AM, waking up, dressing, and feeding a 1-year old...not to mention driving and dropping her off at school. 8AM is practically my lunch. Students are just responsible for themselves...I'm responsible for myself and another human being.
5. No matter how much you try to not be boring, some students are just going to doze off.
6. Grading takes a long long long time. Especially when you have 100 (3-5 page) papers to grade. Plan accordingly.
7. Although you only teach on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, plan to do work on Tuesday and Thursday.
8. It's okay to stay in your PJ's on Tuesday and/or Thursday and do nothing but snuggle with Bowdre.
9. No matter how hard you try, some students are just F students. Nothing can be done about it. It's their decision not yours.
10. I don't give grades, students earn them.
11. If students pack up before class is over...just keep them an extra 5 minutes.
12. It is probably a little crazy to check ratemyprofessor every day...but hey, I really want to know what they are saying about me. Cameron, don't be so petty.
13. I really have some great students. All of the great ones definitely make up for the not-so-great ones.
14. I busted my behind to get to this point and career in my life, so enjoy the heck out of it!!!

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