My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, January 25, 2016

~Warren's New Ride~

Merry Christmas to Warren!!

~Bowdre School Christmas Party~

Back in December (which seems like decades ago), I went to Bowdre's class Christmas Party. It was so cute. They are all such precious kids! Since they are still a little young, their class doesn't participate in the Christmas program, so I just got to go to her classroom and sit with her while she ate her snack. It was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures from the party!

Bowdre thoroughly enjoyed the cupcake!

I love my sweet girl!

~Last Birthday in my 20's~

So for my last birthday in my 20's, I have to say I kept it rather low-key. A night out in Savannah with friends at Myabi (my favorite Japanese spot) was the perfect way to kick start my birthday weekend. Warren and I ran around Savannah doing a little Christmas shopping, I got to go in Barnes and Noble by myself while Warren and Bowdre slept in the car...and let me tell you, I enjoyed myself! Then, we headed to Myabi's to meet Leigh Anne and Rob for my bday dinner celebration. I knew Bowdre would enjoy it too...and she definitely did!

We all had a great time and ate until we couldn't eat anymore! Ya know...they just keep piling on the food. This time, I remembered to get no rice and extra veggies...and I have to say, I was not miserable when I left...Warren was. Lol.

By birthday was on a Sunday this year, and this particular Sunday just happened to be the day of my family Christmas reunion. All of the family on my Nana's side comes to my parent's house for a huge lunch and just time spent together. I didn't mind that it was on my birthday, because I love getting to see everyone.This year was super hard, however, with it being the first one without my Nana. It definitely wasn't the same. Taking a relaxing fun golf cart rides with these two sure helped though!
After everyone left, my parents made a huge birthday spread of my favorites. Crab legs, oyster stew, and chop chop (it's like a sushi spread with shrimp that you put over rice...delicious)!

I had the best birthday surrounded by the ones I love. You can't ask for much more than that!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

~First Graduation as Faculty~

Back on December 11, I attended my very first graduation ceremony as a faculty member. It was such a great experience. There seriously were butterflies in my stomach as I walked in during the procedural march with many other faculty at GSU. I think at that point, I realized how amazing my job really is...although I thought it was pretty amazing before this.

The proud students, proud family was just a really unique experience to be a part of. I As I sat in my seat listening to the speaker, I thought back to my own graduation and how so many people played a role in my success...many of which were my teachers. I hope to be something special to some of my students, as some of my faculty were to me!

"God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease."
-Bernie Siegel

Congratulations to the Class of 2015! Go out and be somebody!!!

~First Semester Recap~

Somehow, I made it through my first semester teaching. There were great moments and moments of temporary insanity...but I made it through it all, and I...loved...every...minute! It's an amazing feeling when you truly find what you are meant to do in life, and I'm so blessed that I have (well, with several bumps and jobs along the way) finally found my true calling. So instead of going through a long-winded post...I thought it would be fun to do a "lesson learned" list. So here they lessons learned after completing my first semester as a college professor.

Lessons Learned
1.  Students find very creative ways to check their phones.
2. Stay strict in your policies...students will take advantage if you don't.
3. Always bring your own board markers to class...the ones in the rooms are crappy.
4. Students truly don't understand how late 8AM really is...try getting up at 6AM, waking up, dressing, and feeding a 1-year old...not to mention driving and dropping her off at school. 8AM is practically my lunch. Students are just responsible for themselves...I'm responsible for myself and another human being.
5. No matter how much you try to not be boring, some students are just going to doze off.
6. Grading takes a long long long time. Especially when you have 100 (3-5 page) papers to grade. Plan accordingly.
7. Although you only teach on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, plan to do work on Tuesday and Thursday.
8. It's okay to stay in your PJ's on Tuesday and/or Thursday and do nothing but snuggle with Bowdre.
9. No matter how hard you try, some students are just F students. Nothing can be done about it. It's their decision not yours.
10. I don't give grades, students earn them.
11. If students pack up before class is over...just keep them an extra 5 minutes.
12. It is probably a little crazy to check ratemyprofessor every day...but hey, I really want to know what they are saying about me. Cameron, don't be so petty.
13. I really have some great students. All of the great ones definitely make up for the not-so-great ones.
14. I busted my behind to get to this point and career in my life, so enjoy the heck out of it!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

~Warren's Christmas Party~

Warren's work Christmas party was such a fun time this year. It was held at this bed and breakfast in Sylvania, and my parents did the catering. We had clam chowder, low country boil, cole slaw and lemon delight. Of course I'm partial, but the food was so delicious.

We are so blessed to be a part of such an amazing company, that did so well during their first year of business.

Merry Christmas from Arthur Engineering!!