My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, July 13, 2015

~Weekend Recap (July 10-12)~

As usual, the weekends are pretty busy, but lately they have been filled with no-so-fun things like MOVING. Yuck. Finally, this past weekend was all about friends and fun!

Friday night, our friends Kacey and Marcus invited us over for dinner at their house! They have 3 beautiful children: Bentley, 4; Sophie, 2; and Cason, almost 1 1/2, so add our almost 1 year old Bowdre to the mix and you have a wild party! It was lots of fun! When Warren and I got there, the kids were swimming in their pool and we just hung out and chatted until dinner was ready! They fixed a wonderful meal of huge ribeye steaks, corn on the cob, green beans and salad! Delicious! Bowdre loved the corn and green beans! After dinner, the kids played for a while until everyone was beat, so we headed home! Here are a couple of pictures from the night!
Girls selfie!

Sophie and Bentley showing Bowdre the ropes!
On Saturday morning, we got up really early to head to Savannah to our friends Jon and Laura Gift's house for a beach day/cookout! We had a great time! Their son Jackson is 15 months old, and he is certainly precious!
Jackson and I
We had so much fun at the beach, and Bowdre tried watermelon for the first time...and she loved it as you can see!
This is delicious Mom!

More please!!!
On the way home, somebody got a little fussy while Daddy ran in Lowe's so to make it all better, Bowdre came and sat in the front see with me until Daddy got back!

That definitely made it all better! On Sunday, we went to Church and little missy was just plain wore out from all the beach excitement the day she immediately passed out when we got home from Church...
Our sleeping beauty!
After she had a good nap, we headed to Statesboro to go grocery shopping for Bowdre's party this coming weekend. Do we really have an almost 1 year old? I'm in denial!

It was a great weekend with wonderful friends!

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