My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

~July 4th Weekend, 2015~

Most of the time, on 4th of July weekend, we head to my family's condo in Hilton Head for the celebration! It's a really fun time just enjoying a little R & R. This year, Warren, Bowdre and I decided to make it a little mini-vacation. Since it usually takes us a bit to get loaded, we thought it would be best to go ahead and head in Thursday evening, since Bowdre would sleep anyway, and that way, we would have all day Friday in HHI, instead of spending half of the day loading and packing. I'm so glad we did that. It was late Thursday when we made it, but half of that was due to a bad storm that came through Millen and knocked out the power at my parent's house. Try packing in the dark...not an easy task! Thankfully, my mom had dinner ready for us so we didn't have to stop on the way! On Friday, we got up and went to the grocery store to get a few things and headed to the beach! Bowdre loves loves loves the beach! We had a great time!

Digging with Daddy!

As you can see in the pics, she loves it! After leaving the beach and a short nap, we decided to head to the pool to cool off! After a short trip to the pool, we headed back to the condo to get ready to eat at our favorite pizza place on the planet...Giuseppe's.

Does she look like her Daddy or what?

Somebody wanted to play while we were getting ready...
Let me change the channel for you!

On Saturday, we had a very relaxing morning sleeping in and hanging out around the condo. After a trip to Fresh Market, we decided to go lounge by the pool!

Happy 4th of July from the Clements!
The pool wore her out!

I'm kind of obsessed with baby feet...especially these little piggies!
After the storm ran us out of the pool, we headed back to the condo to start dinner. Earlier in the day we had gone to Fresh Market and picked up some really yummy food to eat. A steak for me, tuna for Warren, and some cocktail shrimp and seafood salad. It all was really delicious, and despite the storm outside, Warren still managed to grill. I sure love him!

Unfortunately, although she tried really hard to stay awake, Bowdre didn't make it for the fireworks, so Warren and I just watched from the back porch since the storm had finally cleared out! Beautiful night! Here is Bowdre fighting to stay awake...sweet girl!
We really did have a great trip! Happy 4th of July everyone!

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