My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, July 27, 2015

~52 Weeks Old-July 22, 2015~

July 22, 2015
52 Weeks Old

~Bowdre's "Under the Sea" 1st Birthday Party~

As I sit here writing this post, I'm seriously in denial that my sweet baby is turning 1, and that we just had her 1st birthday party this past weekend. Shortly after having Bowdre, when the initial shock wore off, I would think about what theme I wanted to use for her 1st birthday party and what decorations I wanted to have and what food I wanted to serve. It seemed so far away. Then...all of a sudden it was upon me. I have been planning her party for quite some time. I knew I wanted to do an "Under the Sea" theme, and the pool had to be involved, especially since Bowdre decided to come during the hottest month of the year it seems! Thankfully, my parents have a great place to entertain and also to have fun! My mom and I had a blast planning everything out to the last detail, and the party went off without a hitch!

Here is a picture of the invitations!
The party was this past Saturday, July 18th. I sent out several invitations to close friends and family, but also understood that with it being right in the middle of vacation season that some might not be able to make the trip. I was so surprised that everyone was able to make it! It just made my heart melt! Bowdre is so blessed to have so many that love her so much!

The idea was to have lunch, then cut the cake, open presents, and then head down to the pool for some snow cones, watermelon, and just fun in the sun.

Here are some of the pictures of set-up of the party!

Whale Water

Octopus Ocean Water

Lemon Splash

Fish and Chips

Seaweed Dip

Horse's Hot Dogs

Hermit's Hamburgers
 Everyone really enjoyed the food and looked like they were having a great time! Here are some pictures during the lunch portion of the party!
With our sweet birthday girl!

Liz and June

Bowdre with her Gammy and Pop
After we had lunch, we decided to go ahead and sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake! Here are a few pictures of her beautiful cake, made by the very talented Cathy Black!

Isn't it pretty? It tasted just as good as it looked too! We put Bowdre in her high chair to sing and for her to smash through her cake...Here is a little preview of how it went...

Hold me!
Yea...not so well! So we picked her up, and she liked that much better and started diving into the cake!

And there it goes!

She loved it!

After the cake, we decided to hold off on opening gifts, since it was so hot! We wanted everyone to be able to enjoy some pool time, so we headed off in the pool's direction! We had bubbles, toys, floats, big and small pools, fans, watermelon and snow cones! It was lots of fun!

3:30 cane so quickly, and before we knew it the party was winding down! We decided that for those that were still at the party, since most of the swimming was over and guests had started migrating back for more cake and food, that we would go ahead and open some presents! Bowdre had a blast opening the gifts and loved each and every thing that she got!

She got lots of toys, dolls, books, and loved it all! Thank you all so much for the great gifts you brought! Warren and I decided to get her a Crazy Coup car...and she absolutely loved it! Once she got in, you couldn't get her out!

For the guest party favors, we decided to do "Pails for Bowdre's Pals," which was for the kiddos and was a sand pail, with a shovel, bubbles, and some toys in it. For the adult guests, Bowdre gave out some of "Bowdre's Sand Dollars," which were pralines!

Bowdre had such a wonderful birthday party! There are so many to thank, but I'll keep it simple! First, I want to thank my sweet husband, who not only is the best daddy to Bowdre, but also listened to me talking and planning this party for the past several months! Second, I want to thank my wonderful parents and Bowdre's awesome grandparents. Without them, this party would have never happened, and I am so grateful for the presence they have in Bowdre's life! She loves them so much too! Last, I want to thank all of our friends and family who came to the party! It meant so much to  me for all of you to be there. I know some of you traveled a great distance, and I am forever grateful that you helped make Bowdre's party so special and memorable! I will never forget this day, and love each and every one of you! Happy 1st Birthday party Bowdre!