My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, September 17, 2018

~Update:Life Just Happens~

Hi readers!

I'm so sorry to say I'm over two years behind on this blog! It honestly makes my heart just sad to think of this.

Blogging is something I really enjoy doing so much, and the only thing I can say is honestly life just happens. I think back on the last two years and I think why haven't I made time to blog. Well here is just a small glimpse into why...

1) Life with a toddler
2) Remodel of a house
3) Work of a professor teaching five writing classes at a major university
4) Being a full time mom, wife, professor, dish washer, dinner cooker, friend, daughter, sister, etc.
5) Being a member of a choir, now a new community choir
6) Mom of a preschooler, ballet dancer, gymnast, pom pom girl, etc.
7) Shuttle service
8) Part time wedding worker

I can't really think of anything else, but I also have to sleep, eat, etc. So many other things in my life have gone by the way side too.

Blogging has always been a sort of release for me...a way to come to from the daily stresses of life. To reflect back on all of the wonderful things life has given me, and I've missed that.

I've downloaded all the pictures, but I've yet to reminisce on the memories, and I'm taking a vow right now to start. I'm going to make the time to get this blog back up and going. I know it will make my heart smile looking back on all the memories made the last two years. Gosh...the holidays...Bowdre's milestones...something I want to make time for!

But I did want everyone to know we are still here...doing well...loving life!

Can't wait to catch everyone up on the last two years!

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