My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Monday, August 15, 2016

~Blog Update~

I have to say that I am extremely upset that I am so behind on my blog, and I mean wayyy wayyy wayy in at least 6 months behind. Ahhh! I don't know how 6 months flew by so quickly.

I think sometimes when we are bored with certain aspects of our life, we try and pick up additional hobbies to keep us occupied, in a way. With my last couple of jobs, I literally found myself just sitting (most of the time) not busy at all, even though I wanted to be. When I say sitting, I mean every day of the week from 8AM to 5PM. What's someone who is bored with nothing to do supposed to do for that many hours. For me, blogging became my outlet. Blogging about my life and family made me feel better and it made the days go by somewhat quicker. So in other words, I could totally keep up, no problemo.

Well, when I started teaching, a new life started. It was the career I always dreamed, and it's busy...all the time. I also have a toddler, and it's busy...all the time. The times I am in front of my computer usually consist of grading papers, paying bills, and yeah, that's about it.

I'm behind in this blog, I'm behind in my recipe book, I'm behind in Bowdre's baby book, I'm behind in downloading pictures.

So right before the spring semester ended, I told myself that this summer would be the catch-up summer. Yeah right. I didn't blog, I didn't update my recipe book, I didn't update Bowdre's baby book, and I haven't downloaded one single picture.

What I did do, however, was enjoy the heck out of my summer. I was with my daughter every day just getting to be a stay-at-home-mom for a little while. We spent weeks at the beach, went on fun trips, had lunch dates, slept in as often as we wanted, stayed in our jammies all day sometimes, I taught a summer class, saw a friend get married in North Carolina, visited the Biltmore, went to Warren's family reunion, watched my baby turn 2 with a great birthday party, spent another week at the beach with a friend and her daughter, spent lots of time with my parents and brother, went swimming as often as possible....and sooo much more!

So yea, I didn't really get around to blogging because I was doing! Now, I'm ready to catch up on all those things I was going to do. And, I will, in time.

Now that I have been teaching a year, I feel that I have a better sense of what is expected and the time is requires, and I'm going to try and make time for everything that is important to me, and blogging is definitely one of them.

So now, hopefully you will enjoy getting caught up on the last 6 months of my life...because I know I will love sharing and reminiscing myself.

What this experience has taught me is that blogging is a way to document my life (at least that's what it means to me), and it's okay if I get a little (or alot) behind, because living life is what my blog is all about anyway! Most of all, I love living life with my family!

So it make take some time (weeks...maybe months) to catch up, but I will. Slowly but surely. But, I won't stop doing and going in the process!

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