My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

~18 Month Pictures~

~Nap Time~

Trying to fight nap time...
Passed Out...

~Valentine's Day 2016~

I love holidays of any kind (if you didn't know that about me already), and yes, I always tend to go over the top with things...I just can't help myself! My parent's always made a big deal, even about the smaller holidays, and I want to do the same with Bowdre.

If I remember correctly, Valentine's Day was really really cold, so I'm pretty sure we stayed in all day...but it didn't mean that the Valentine's Day cupid didn't make a stop by our house!!

Of course when Bowdre had no idea what was going on, but she was super excited about all of her new toys! A rain jacket, books, a movie, and sidewalk chalk...cupid must have really loved her this year!

Out of all of her toys, I think the sidewalk chalk was the favorite! Of course we got outside to play with it...Elle' wanted to play too!

We also had a wonderful breakfast that Warren made of sausage and pancakes!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

~Dancing to Frozen~

~What's Your Name?~

~Future Garden?~

I think this is the perfect spot for my future garden!

~Bowdre's School Valentine's Day Party~

Bowdre's class had a Valentine's Day party. My mom came with me to celebrate, and unfortunately, Bowdre didn't seem that excited about the party. Kids...

For all of Bowdre's school friends, we made sugar cookie Valentine's!

Here are a few pictures from the party!

~Olivia and Evan's Engagement Party~

My friend Olivia is getting married this October to her fiance Evan, and back in February we went to their engagement party in Atlanta, which was hosted by Evan's parents. It was such a great party, and we had a wonderful time! I love any reason to get to spend time with my friends in Atlanta, and it's even better when we are celebrating such a wonderful event! Can't wait for the wedding!
Our close friend group! (From left: Natalie, Me, Liz, Olivia, Katie, & Janice)

The bridesmaids: (From left: Natalie, me, Liz, Janice, Rose, Jessica, and Olivia and Katie in front)


For an early Valentine's Day gift, and for being such a big 18-month old, Warren and I took Bowdre to the Build-a-Bear store in Hilton Head, for her to make her very own bear. Now that it's all said and done, I think she was a bit young to appreciate this experience, but she did pick out a bear! Here are a couple of pictures from the day that "Rose," Bowdre's pink bear, became part of our family!

~18 Month Checkup~

Bowdre turned 18 months old on January 23, 2016. We went for her 18 month check up on February 2, 2016. Below are her how she has grown!

30.1 lbs and 34 inches tall!!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

~Bowdre is 18 Months-January 23, 2016~

So unfortunately since things have been so busy, it's hard to exactly remember each and every thing that was happening when Bowdre turned 18 months! But hopefully, in the next several blog posts, I can talk about more specific things.

All I do know is that at 18 months, she was busy, fun, and super sassy! We love her so much!

She is a little girl who loves her doggie Elle'...

Riding in her wagon, especially when Elle' can ride too...

She loves her Uncle Mark...

Taking baths...

Reading books...
Going shopping...


And watching Bubble Guppies...

She loves many other things, but these are a few of her favorites! Happy 18 Months sweet girl! Time sure is flying by!