My Wonderful Blessed Life

My Wonderful Blessed Life

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

~Alicia's Bachelorette Party-Minneapolis, MN-March2016~

My sweet friend Alicia (who I met through GSU and AOII) got married back in July 2016. She invited me to come on her bachelorette party, which took place in Minnesota...yes, I said it...Minnesota. Of course, knowing me, I hop on any opportunity to travel!

Minneapolis was truly an amazing place! It was also cold...very, very cold.  We went in March where it's even colder. I thought I had adequately prepared packing heavy coats, boots, gloves, scarfs, etc., but when I got off of the airplane and walked out of the airport and breathed in that northern air...I'm pretty sure my lungs froze for a second. I've never experienced anything like that. I thought we get cold days down here, but we know NOTHING about cold.

It was such a fun trip. We toured around, ate amazing...amazing food, but most importantly got to celebrate my sweet friend's upcoming marriage!
Driving into the city
 We had such amazing food during the trip that I simply couldn't put pictures of all of it. Below are some of my favorites. I was also introduced to cheese curds. We don't know what we are missing down here!
Fried cheese curds...yes please!

Just a burger, but simply amazing!

Pouteen...fries topped with cheese and BBQ!

 I want to go back just to eat! We also toured around, and these are a few of my favorite views! We drove around just so I could see some of the city! We went to the famous bridge (it was cold), went to the Mall of America (there is seriously a water slide), and went to see the AOII house at the University of Minneapolis (where Alicia went to school)! It was so much fun!

During this trip, I met Alicia's childhood best friend, Jen. Jen was so gracious to let me stay at her house during our visit! We had so much fun just hanging out, getting to know each other, and I simply adored their Tudor style home!
The view out their front door!

This is Jen!
On one of the last days of our trip, we threw Alicia a little party! Her mom and sister came into town from Wisconsin and we had so much fun!

After the party we played a game which was sorta like a scavenger hunt! It was so much fun and absolutely hilarious. My team was myself, Alicia's mom Marge, her sister Randi, and Jen! We had to go all over the city finding different things and take pictures of our journey! The first group to make it back to the house after completing their tasks...won! To be honest, I'm completely forgot who won the contest..but I sure had a blast playing it!

What we are all eating in this last picture is called a Juicy's basically a burger stuffed with cheese...but it's famous in those parts (I guess they were the first to invent it). I have to say, I've had burgers down here stuffed with cheese, but they are definitely nothing compared to the one I had in Minnesota. (They definitely deserve the bragging rights to the stuffed burger).

I could go on all day about the trip. It was so much fun hanging out and celebrating Alicia. I got to meet her wonderful friends and family, see some neat things, try some awesome food! It is definitely a trip I will never forget!

Dinner with all the girls on the last night!